Wooden hut on wheels is the ultimate dog house to help doggos live a nomadic life on the go


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Dec 01, 2023

Wooden hut on wheels is the ultimate dog house to help doggos live a nomadic life on the go

As much as I love spending time with my own cats, I’m honestly running out of

As much as I love spending time with my own cats, I’m honestly running out of ways to keep them entertained and prevent them from knocking down an item or two in my home, out of sheer boredom. If you’re pretty much in the same precarious situation as me and are always looking for new ways to keep your pet entertained, productive, and happy – then say hello to the Bowowhaus! Although, this one is for the doggos. The Bowowhaus is a wooden hut on wheels, designed for dogs, and inspired by the modernist Bauhaus movement.

Designer: Conran and Partners

Designed by Conran and Partners, the Bowowhaus is a mobile hut doghouse meant to help dogs live a nomadic lifestyle. It features pencil-thin slabs of light wood and dark gray-hued panels and shades, providing doggos with a cushy and comfy traveler ambiance. Bowowhaus is intended to invite and encourage dog owners to build their own version of wooden huts on wheels, with the help of basic tools and recycled materials – such as old wooden pallets, discarded wheels, and pre-used slats.

A flight of stairs welcomes the dogs into the hut, while a space for food containers and bowls is propped up behind the house, to ensure that no food and water is spilled within the little home. It features a triangular shape, which provides a generous amount of space, for dogs of all sizes and shapes to enter and lounge about in the hut comfortably. Both ends have been chiseled open, to lend the space an air of openness and spaciousness, and to allow for continuous ventilation.

The roof of the dog house has been topped with solar panels, and the wheels are battery-operated, allowing the home to be easily transported and moved from one place to another. "We felt it had to have wheels and the idea was that a dog would be able to take their family home with them by using battery, PV-powered electric assist wheels similar to those found in e-bikes. Admittedly, this was perhaps a pipe dream and out of budget and I am not sure how the RSPC would view Victorian-era dogcarts these days," said the design team.

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