Berkshire Humane Society Pet of the Week: Meet Elsa


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Aug 22, 2023

Berkshire Humane Society Pet of the Week: Meet Elsa

Every Wednesday at 8:30 we're joined by John Perreault, Executive Director of

Every Wednesday at 8:30 we're joined by John Perreault, Executive Director of the Berkshire Humane Society to discuss all the happenings at their Barker Road facility, plus talk about their Pet of the Week.

Meet Elsa, a happy-go-lucky girl who loves to smile. Elsa is a spayed female, 6.5-year-old Doberman Pinscher who is here to steal your heart and home.

One would never know by her personality how much she has gone through in her time prior to arriving at the shelter. Elsa first bounced around quite a bit and was eventually given away to an unfit home. Her most recent owners did not have a home or the funding to care for her and she was eventually signed over to an animal control officer before landing at Berkshire Humane, yet despite all of that, she has always managed to grin and bare it.

Exhibiting obvious health issues, Elsa has received a great deal of TLC from shelter staff, who are still working on uncovering the extent of her health issues with the aid of local veterinarians. As a special needs case, Elsa is currently being treated for hypothyroidism, as well as pain management and weight loss. She's already made tremendous gains in her time at the shelter but will need a home that understands her needs and has the capacity to care for any future health treatments. Adopters may need to be willing to potentially provide her with ramps for ease of movement and/or have a one-level home.

Despite her challenges, the staff at Berkshire Humane encourages potential forever homes not to be detoured. Elsa is truly a lovely girl, who appears to love everyone as she greets you with her sweet nature. She enjoys spending time with staff, literally bumbling her way through offices, head-butting you, and looking for all the petting and scratches she can receive. She is described by staff as having "cute feet, and goblin ears", all said with love and good humor.

Elsa absolutely loves the outdoors and slow, short-distance walks. She won't be your hiking partner, but with additional weight loss she should be able to increase her short walks a bit and at the end of the day, settle down for snuggle time.

If you’re interested in learning more about this wonderful girl, please feel free to reach out to the kennel staff regarding her health and habits. They’d be more than happy to assist you with any information they can provide. Call (413)-447-7878 ext. 126 to reach the canine services department.